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Project Archive

Fairpackung is a circular deposit system with robust, lightweight and easy to transport containers and bags, which can be borrowed at the store. This makes spontaneous shopping in bulk possible. Moreover, new target groups can be reached who are not participating in zero waste shopping yet. 

The fairboxes are injection moulded with PHB. The bioplastic is made of renewable resources and is biodegradable. The material resists temperatures up to 130° and is moreover 100% recyclable and food safe. The goal of research is to produce it from local waste and by-products of the food industry.


Do you want to know more about the project? Follow fairpackung on Instagram and get to know all the research backgrounds.

The MarktBox supplies organic, local and seasonal produce in a reusable box without the need for single-use plastic packaging.

One significant difference to other foodbox systems – besides the reduction of packaging waste – is the community, which builds the base of the whole concept. Recipe exchanges, workshops for a sustainable lifestyle and the direct impact are key aspects to make Amsterdam food supply chain more sustainable.

In short, the MarktBox will by its very nature create a shift in behaviour by empowering consumers with a solution to move away from single use plastics.


The Circle Line

Our topic was to create an easy to build, cheap and attractive greenhouse for the  community garden Coltivando in Milan. The aim was to make a DIY instruction, so that the gardeners could rebuild the boxes by themselves.

This project required that the material we used was easy to get and locally available, the building instructions as easy to understand as possible. In addition to a handbook we provided an online tutorial.


Other Team members

Erin Lynch, Paula García Mateos, Anna Macpherson


Fotos by Erin Lynch

Theater of Nitrogen

Theater of Nitrogen is a creative theatre and education kit to introduce children to the topic of the nitrogen cycle and sensitise them to the problems of unrestrained nitrogen release.

With our young target group, we wanted to raise the awareness of the generation for environmental problems. The young people have their lives ahead of them and we think that the willingness and openness to think differently is especially great among children and adolescents. But how can this target group be reached? Since today many teachers are overburdened or only employed as temporary teachers, we have developed an educational package to counteract this systematic problem.

The Kit includes a booklet with a collection of warm-up and preparation games, a guide to the creative Nitrogen Cycle play, templates for masks, theme cards for the play, and a poster to explain the Nitrogen Cycle. The goal is to bring this very complex topic to children and young people through creative and playful approaches in a workshop. The education kit is available online for free and is suitable for children between 10-14 years. The workshop is designed for an amount of 20 to 30 children.


Other Team members

Carla Schewe

Yasmina Aust


Fotos by Yasmina Aust 

Political Intervention

How much visual input could one person handle? Is there a limit of inspiration and information?


During my visit of the Milan design week I varied from inspiration to excessive demand. I observed the visitors and documented my impressions of the “Fuorisalone” and captured it in a visual journey.


Music Credits

Rameses B – Rick and Morty


La Serra Semplice

In cooperation with the social club Linie94, we designed a sustainable interior concept for an old double-deck bus.

The project was focussed on a sustainable and environmentally friendly interior. Nonetheless, the furniture design had to be practical and space-saving. 


Other Team members

Wolfgang Albrecht, Felix Landwehr, Carolin Knüttgen, Marlies Wieking, Ruzena Hesse, Kai Kirstaedter, Melissa Kramer, Shai Keren,Till Schneeberger, Johannes Heinrich, Hardy Salka,Florian Heinrich

From 2014 onward, the right-wing party AfD got more and more votes, and in 2017 became part of the German Bundestag. I wanted to know why people are voting for this party. This campaign isn't a support for the political party at all! It is an interventional dialog with the people of the city. For that reason I portrayed one of the most important persons of the party, Alexander Gauland. He was the top candidate for the federal election campaign 2017 and is known for his right-wing statements. 

New Society

This short film is a snapshot of the interlude of anonymity and familiarity of the village "Loose".

Other Team members

Gloria Lindenberg, Bianca Streich, Nicole Nguyen, Marielouis Hippler


Fotos by Reinhard Witt


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